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Aos que pretendem iniciar o estudo de temas relacionados à interface entre Direito e tecnologia, o Centro DTIBR recomenda as leituras abaixo, agrupadas por assunto.



LIGUORI FILHO, Carlos Augusto; SALVADOR, João Pedro Favaretto

Crypto Wars e Bloqueio de Aplicativos: o Debate Sobre Regulação Jurídica da Criptografia nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil

"O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal descrever e analisar os debates públicos sobre regulação jurídica da criptografia e acesso governamental a dados criptografados nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil, identificando pontos de convergência e divergência. Conforme a utilização de mecanismos criptográficos para fins privados – para comunicação online e armazenamento de dados – foi se tornando cada vez mais comum, autoridades passaram a enfrentar diversas dificuldades em relação à obtenção de dados no contexto de investigações criminais. Este cenário ensejou debates acerca da necessidade de uma regulação jurídica da criptografia, impondo possíveis restrições à sua utilização. De um lado, facilitaria o acesso por autoridades; de outro, poderia gerar enormes consequências em relação à segurança e privacidade de cidadãos. Nesse sentido pretende-se, em primeiro lugar, descrever como o debate foi conduzido nos Estados Unidos na década de 1990 e na década de 2010 – o que ficou conhecido como as crypto wars. Em seguida, será apresentado o debate no Brasil, motivado pelos sucessivos bloqueios do aplicativo WhatsApp entre 2015 e 2016. Por fim, será realizada uma análise sobre diferenças e semelhanças entre os debates, apontando para possíveis consequências de suas particularidades."

Inteligência Artificial

CALO, Ryan

Artificial Intelligence Policy

"This essay, prepared in connection with UC Davis Law Review's 50th anniversary symposium, explains why AI is suddenly on everyone's mind and provides a roadmap to the major policy questions AI raises. The essay is designed to help policymakers, investors, technologists, scholars, and students understand the contemporary policy environment around AI at least well enough to initiate their own exploration."

Neutralidade de Rede


Neutralidade de Rede: Mudanças na infraestrutura da internet e como isso influencia na sua vida

Este texto aborda a neutralidade de rede. Inicia contextualizando como a internet surgiu, seus propósitos, os princípios utilizados no seu design e como era sua arquitetura originária. Na sequência, descreve algumas das principais mudanças pelas quais vem passando, nos últimos anos, com destaque para o monitoramento e controle dos pacotes de dados, viabilizando o tratamento discriminatório entre eles. Explica-se como essas mudanças afetam bilhões de pessoas, mundialmente. Por fim, aborda-se a neutralidade de rede como principal resposta regulatória a essas mudanças, a fim de preservar o potencial inovador e o compartilhamento de conteúdo típicos da internet. Frisa-se que essa neutralidade decorre dos próprios princípios utilizados no design original da internet, devendo ser interpretada em sintonia com eles, a fim de compatibilizar, de um lado, a livre concorrência, as estratégias empresariais e suas vantagens competitivas; e, de outro, a privacidade, a liberdade de expressão, a inovação e a autonomia dos usuários.

Regulação da Internet

LESSIG, Lawrence

The Law of the Horse

"My essay moves in two parts. The first describes regulation in real space. It is not meant to do much more than draw together a range of related thoughts about the structure of regulation here — to suggest a model, or heuristic, to make it possible to speak consistently about regulation there. The second part applies this model to the regulation of cyberspace. The comparison will reveal what regulation there will look like. It will also reveal a hole in how we think of regulation, and its limits, generally. Its effect should be to turn us back to real space regulation — to see something missing in our understand of regulation here, by seeing what’s unavoidable about regulation there."

Criptografia e Certificação Digital


Digital Certificate Basics

"In this article, I explain to myself some of the concepts commonly associated with digital certificates and their use. I have tried to introduce the different concepts in an order so that all the concepts needed to understand a new concepts have already been properly explained. Regretfully, this has not always been possible so please bear that in mind when reading this article."

Introdução às Tecnologias Disruptivas

RIGBY, Darrell K and Christensen, Clayton M. and Johnson, Mark

Foundations for Growth: How to Identify and Build Disruptive New Businesses

"The probability of creating a successful, new growth business is 10 times greater if the innovators pursue a disruptive strategy rather than a sustaining one. A sustaining innovation is one which meets the demands of existing customers in established markets. In contrast, a disruptive innovation is one which creates entirely new markets and business models. One strategy for creating disruptive growth is to compete against non-consumption and target customers who are currently not buying at all (perhaps because existing products are too expensive or complex) with simple, inexpensive products. When it is not possible to compete against non-consumption, the strategy must compete against markets dominated by industry leaders. When the existing market already offers products which are 'more than good-enough' and is 'overserving' its customers, the successful disruptive strategy will be able to target the less demanding customers who would be happy with a product which is just 'good-enough' and is less expensive than those currently available. The business model must also allow the growth company to price the disruptive product with a deep discount. Companies usually fail to capitalize on disruptive opportunities not because they are lacking good ideas, but because they do not have a robust process for creating and launching disruptive innovations. Company should establish a corporate team dedicated to disruptive innovation ideas, made of up select members who intuitively understand the 'litmus tests' that make these ideas successful.(LMH) "

Proteção de Dados no Direito Comunitário Europeu - GDPR

VOSS, W. Gregory

European Union Data Privacy Law Reform: General Data Protection Regulation, Privacy Shield, and the Right to Delisting

"This article discusses a few of the most important European data privacy law developments in recent history – perhaps the most significant since 1995 when the European Union adopted the Data Protection Directive. These include the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the invalidation of the U.S. – EU Safe Harbor cross-border personal data transfer framework in the Schrems decision, and the Safe Harbor’s subsequent replacement by the Privacy Shield. The latter allows transfer of personal data (such as data about employees and prospects) from the European Union to the United States, upon certification of commitments by participating companies, and provides guarantees from U.S. agencies and means of enforcement in case of violations."



SPAM: Presente, Passado e Futuro

"This paper discusses the unsolicited electronic messages, known as spam, from its earliest manifestations until nowadays. First, we define the concept of spam. Then, the main initiatives against spam are analyzed, according to the law and case law of United States and European Union. Finally, the author formulates its personal approach to the problem."

Direito ao Esquecimento


O Direito ao Esquecimento (Right to Oblivion)

SUMÁRIO – 1) Introdução e Delimitação do Tema; 2) Ponderação de valores: Entre a memória e o esquecimento; 3) Nomenclaturas e etimologia; 4) Classificação dos dados e alcance do direito ao esquecimento; 5) Diferenças quanto à percepção do fenômeno: EUA X CE; 6) Leading cases estrangeiros; 7) Legislação estrangeira; 8) Definição, natureza jurídica e alcance do direito ao esquecimento; 9) Limites do direito ao esquecimento; 10) Barreiras tecnológicas e dificuldades de efetivação (enforcement) desse direito; 11) Efeitos colaterais do direito ao esquecimento; 12) A realidade brasileira; 13) Conclusão.



On Small Particles and Old Articles An Exploration of Legal and Regulatory Issues of Nanotechnologies

"The small will rule the world. The multi billion industry of ultra small - nanoparticles less than one millionth of the size of a common flea - promises radical changes and improvements in many areas of society. Should this concern lawyers? According to us: yes, it should. The properties and applications of nanotechnologies call for a reflection and (new) regulatory measures. If we do not want nanoparticles to spin off with our world, then now is the time to start developing policies on nanotechnologies."

Regulação da Internet

SOLUM, Lawrence B.

The Layers Principle: Internet Architecture and the Law

"This essay addresses the fundamental questions of Internet governance: whether and how the architecture of the Internet should affect the shape and content of legal regulation of the global network of networks. Our answer to these questions is based on the concept of layers, the fundamental architectural feature of the Internet. Our thesis is that legal regulation of the Internet should be governed by the layers principle - the law should respect the integrity of layered Internet architecture. This principle has two corollaries. The first corollary is the principle of layer separation: Internet regulation should not violate or compromise the separation between layers designed into the basic architecture of the Internet. The second corollary is the principle of minimizing layer crossing, i.e., minimize the distance between the layer at which the law aims to produce an affect and the layer directly affected by legal regulation. The essay argues that layers analysis provides a more robust conceptual framework for evaluating Internet regulations than does the end-to-end principle. "

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